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Total Tax Game using Percents 1%,2%,5%,10%,15%     Fun Math Help      Game Tips:

- One percent of a number means one hundredth of the number. One percent is 0.01 times the number.
- Once you know one percent, you can find any percentage as a multiple of one percent.
   One percent of 400 can be found by multiplying 0.01 times 400 to get the answer 4.

- A 2% tax on a $400 purchase means 0.02 times $400 = an $8 tax.
   The total price of the purchase with tax is $400 + $8 = $408.

- A 5% tax on a $300 purchase means 0.05 times $300 = a $15 tax.
   The total price of the purchase with tax is $300 + $15 = $315.

- Your Score Report appears after you have made 8 choices.
- Your Game Score is reduced by the number of pterodactyl hits.

- To slow the game speed repeat tap/click on the word Slider.
- To increase the game speed repeat tap/click on the word Math.
- Speed can also be adjusted with a keyboard's - and + keys.

- Refresh/Reload the web page to restart the game.
- Adjust the sound level of media on your device.

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