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Math Help - Fun Arithmetic Help - 100, 50, and 25 Percent - Game Tips:

- One hundred percent means 'the entire amount'. Therefore 100% of $600 = $600.
- Fifty percent means 'half of the amount'. Therefore 50% of $600 = $300.
- Twenty five percent means 'one quarter of the amount'. Therefore 25% of $600 = $150.

- Your Score Report appears after you have made 8 choices.
- Your Game Score is reduced by the number of pterodactyl hits.

- To slow the game speed repeat tap/click on the word Slider.
- To increase the game speed repeat tap/click on the word Math.
- Speed can also be adjusted with a keyboard's - and + keys.

- Refresh/Reload the web page to restart the game.
- Adjust the sound level of media on your device.

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